Wednesday, January 11, 2017

#poweredByindie writing resolution number one

This writing resolution has to be number one on my list - to finish my new book by the end of this year, if not sooner. In the words of Sean O'Casey 'Get on with the bloody play'  The playwright wrote this in big letters to motivate himself and put it up on the wall opposite his work table.

Replace 'play' with 'novel' and we're in business.

Once I have finished putting order back into what my grandson refers to as 'my office' and lugged the black plastic sacks overflowing with books to my local Oxfam shop I have no more excuses to procrastinate.

The plight of the marginalized Tamil people in their fight for independent rule has long interested me. In my story a young Tamil adopted by an Irish pilot with whom he shared four years in captivity, is brought back to Ireland to be raised and educated with the man's sons. When he graduates from college and returns to his homeland to find his people he is gradually drawn into the ethnic conflict and before long finds himself in danger of betraying his principles when his ideals and integrity are put to the test in the brutal struggle for civil liberty.  Location Ireland and Sri Lanka in the early 1980's.

Much of my research is done, now it's a matter of putting flesh on bones.

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