Wednesday, October 5, 2016

#poweredByindie The Amazon option- the way to go!

Of course it's really too early yet to say but - Well, I have decided to go Amazon exclusive with my novel 'Like One of the Family' a story of an Irish family, as the blurb has it, of passion, tragedy and love. I'm still at the first stage of the process which is to remove the book from outlets other than Amazon before it seems I can begin..  This is a must if you are to be accepted for enrollment in the Amazon KDP Select program, so I have been told by those in the know.

Even been given dire warnings about being deleted forever by Amazon if I am discovered to have deviated from the rules. Must admit this threw such a scare in me that I put up no further resistance. From all accounts the benefits are impressive helping to build audience platform with the chance to giveaway freebies of the book for five days in every ninety days of the program. All of which is guaranteed to make readers love you and, what's even better, love your book.  Being a person who likes to keep my cake as long as possible I was contemplating eking out the freebies a day at a time but having consulted the expert on the subject I now know better.  Catherine Ryan Howard has spoken or, rather printed her opinion. For best results, she says, you must keep giving for five days.

In fact give until it hurts.

Nothing more to be said on that subject.But it's all a bit premature at the moment, not having got anywhere near that philanthropic moment.  But October, it seems, is an auspicious month. So I realised when an email arrived today from Amazon with lots of info. on the subject and helpful links to their Facebook page where I learned more about the treats in store for all Kindle followers, especially indie authors. So it's time to get busy and start blogging about what it is you love best about self-publishing. Freedom to publish,  to control your work and creativity would be top of the list,  That seems to be unanimous.  All of it heady and exciting! Feeling a bit dizzy already.

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