But Hardy wrote about the age he lived in with all its hypocrisy and pitiful human failings. He wrote about what he knew and he wrote it honestly, tragically,even poetically. It's what he did best.
So here now is one writer becoming obsessed with time, desperately hoping to choose the right day to begin the Amazon KDP Selection Program having received confirmation that copies of my ebook 'Like One of the Family' have been successfully removed from all selling outlets other than Amazon - and my enrollment completed. So far so good.
Shortly I will be starting off my 90 day Amazon exclusivity with five days of giving away free copies of my book to anyone who wants to download and read it. All I want in return is that they like the book and have an enjoyable time reading it. Well, maybe I want a little more if I am being honest. I would be pleased no, absolutely delighted if they felt moved to write a review of my book and maybe even get a discussion going of who it was who did what and why they did it and what happened then. How great that would be!
In the meantime I am spending time consulting the stars, pondering on my horoscope and pulling petals off flowers while murmuring this week, next week. Perish the thought. Only kidding!.
But undoubtedly the timing of this venture is crucial if readers are to know about this big beautiful book coming their way for free. Anyway I will soon have to name the day and get busy drumming up a bit of advance publicity. All I can tell you now is that you will know very, very soon,
That's a promise!.
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